The following meals and services are available to all guests during their stay. Please contact us with questions or to learn more.
A hearty breakfast (a variety of menu options available) is prepped out of Sherol's kitchen and delivered to your room. Be ready to be full and fired up to head out on your adventure.
Need a clean set of clothes? Sherol will happily accommodate your needs for an additional charge.
Fish/Game Freezer
Keep your fresh catches cold during your stay by storing them in the chest freezer for an additional charge.
Internet access available in the main lodge and private cabin. Crew quarters also have internet available in the main lodge. Starting at $10 per day.
Lakeside Bonfire Site
Spend your evening around some coals on the shoreline.
Subsistence Net Available
For State of Alaska residents, Silver Fin Bed & Breakfast has a salmon net available for your use on the private beach.
Services for Float Plane Pilots and Passengers
GPS coordinates: N59.271461 W158.625574
Silver Fin Lakefront Bed & Breakfast provides float plane pilots/passengers with mooring, safe onsite tie ups (just below the cabin), aviation fuel available nearby at Moody's Marina (907.842.2418) and comfortable accommodations with a hearty breakfast included. Dillingham, which boasts restaurants, groceries, stores, and other supplies is a pleasant 30 minute drive away.